

Kontrak Berjangka Surat Utang Negara (KBSUN) / Indonesia Government Bond Futures (IGBF) adalah suatu perjanjian yang mewajibkan para pihak untuk membeli atau menjual sejumlah Surat Utang Negara pada harga dan dalam waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

IGB Futures
Product SUN tenor 5 years SUN tenor 10 years
Instrumen code BM05H6 BM10H6
Contract size IDR 1,000,000,000 IDR 1,000,000,000
Quotation Price Price
Tick size 0.01 (1 bp) 0.01 (1 bp)
Tick value IDR 100,000 IDR 100,000
Auto-rejection 300bp from reff price 300bp from reff price
Initial Margin 1% x Contract Size x Number of Contract x Futures Price 2% x Contract Size x Number of Contract x Futures Price
Trading hours (WIB) Session I : Monday – Friday : 09.00 – 11.30
Session II : Monday – Friday: 13.30– 15.15
Last Trading Day : 15:00 JATS Time
(the last trading day is the day before a derivative contract expires. On the expiry date, the derivative is no longer tradable)
Session I : Monday – Friday : 09.00 – 11.30
Session II : Monday – Friday: 13.30– 15.15
Last Trading Day : 15:00 JATS Time
(the last trading day is the day before a derivative contract expires. On the expiry date, the derivative is no longer tradable)
Contract month 3 months start from March with a four-month cycle (March, June, September and/or December) 3 months start from March with a four-month cycle (March, June, September and/or December)
Settlement Cash Settlement (T + 1) Cash Settlement (T + 1)
Liquidity Provider Yes Yes
Spread LP 55 bp (±0.55%) 70 bp (±0.70%)
Min Quantity 10 contracts 10 contracts

IDX30 Futures merupakan kontrak berjangka yang menggunakan underlying berupa Indeks Saham. IDX30 Futures menggunakan Indeks Saham IDX30 sebagai acuannya yang mengukur kinerja harga dari 30 saham yang memiliki likuiditas tinggi dan kapitalisasi pasar besar serta didukung oleh fundamental perusahaan yang baik.

Lihat Daftar Konstituen Indeks IDX30 >

Criteria Specification
Contract type Kontrak Berjangka Indeks Efek
Underlying Indeks IDX30
Currency Indonesia Rupiah (IDR)
Tick value (Face-value) IDR 100.000, – per poin index
Sample – Quotation Bid/Offer 500.00 / 500.10
Tick size 0,10 poin index (equiv. IDR 10.000, – per lot)
Contract month 1 month, 2 months, 3 months
Auto-rejection / Daily-price-limit 10% of IDX30 Futures Opening Price
Order type Market, Limit
Unfulfilled Limit Orders will be cancelled at the end of the Trading Day
Trading hours (WIB) Session I : Monday – Friday : 09.00 – 11.30
Session II : Monday – Friday: 13.30– 15.15
Last Trading Day : 15:00 JATS Time
(the last trading day is the day before a derivative contract expires. On the expiry date, the derivative is no longer tradable)
Settlement Cash Settlement (T + 1)
Initial Margin 4 – 10% x Index Points x Number of Contracts x Multiplier – varies according to market volatility
Margin Call Equity value 100% or below vs Margin Requirement
Force-liquidation During trading hours:
Equity value 50% or below vs Margin Requirement, part or all of the customer’s Open Position will be closed.

30 minutes before end of the trading hours:
Equity value below 100% vs Margin Requirement, part or all of the customer’s Open Position will be closed.

Online Trading Facility
Trading by Phone Facility
Commission charge IDR 60.000, – / side / lot (online)
IDR 70.000, – / side / lot (by phone)

LQ45 Futures merupakan kontrak berjangka yang menggunakan underlying berupa Indeks Saham. LQ45 Futures menggunakan Indeks Saham LQ-45 sebagai acuannya telah dikenal sebagai benchmark saham-saham di Pasar Modal Indonesia dan cukup efektif dalam rangka melakukan tracking secara keseluruhan dari pasar saham di Indonesia.

Lihat Daftar Konstituen Indeks LQ-45 >

Criteria Specification
Contract type Kontrak Berjangka Indeks Efek
Underlying Indeks LQ-45
Currency Indonesia Rupiah (IDR)
Tick value (Face-value) IDR 500.000, – per poin index
Sample – Quotation Bid/Offer 800.00 / 800.10
Tick size 0,05 poin index (equiv. IDR 25.000, – per lot)
Contract month 1 month, 2 months, 3 months
Auto-rejection / Daily-price-limit 10% of LQ45 Futures Opening Price
Order type Market, Limit
Unfulfilled Limit Orders will be cancelled at the end of the Trading Day
Trading hours (WIB) Session I : Monday – Friday : 09.00 – 11.30
Session II : Monday – Friday: 13.30– 15.15
Last Trading Day : 15:00 JATS Time
(the last trading day is the day before a derivative contract expires. On the expiry date, the derivative is no longer tradable)
Settlement Cash Settlement (T + 1)
Initial Margin 4 – 10% x Index Points x Number of Contracts x Multiplier – varies according to market volatility
Margin Call Equity value 100% or below vs Margin Requirement
Force-liquidation During trading hours:
Equity value 50% or below vs Margin Requirement, part or all of the customer’s Open Position will be closed.

30 minutes before end of the trading hours:
Equity value below 100% vs Margin Requirement, part or all of the customer’s Open Position will be closed.

Online Trading Facility
Trading by Phone Facility
Commission charge IDR 100.000, – / side / lot (online)
IDR 110.000, – / side / lot (by phone)